Main Concerns
The "barriers" to MBD in vehicle development
As the number of development sites embracing MBD continues to increase, we often hear various challenges regarding the development environment from those who are approaching it for the first time. In such cases, we are here to assist you.
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Concerns with model connectivity
When trying to connect the necessary models, various factors can prevent smooth connections and the operating environment from being established.
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Concerns with model shortage
If there is a need to develop models from scratch for unfamiliar domains, it can take a significant amount of time to develop the correct models.
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Lack of understanding about the content and design of the models
Without understanding the design principles of the integrated models, it becomes difficult to resolve issues during the connection and evaluation phases.
Physical Model Hub will be able to solve your concerns!
Challenges in Embracing MBD
Recently, MBD has been attracting attention as a method for speeding up the development of complex, high-precision controls without the need for prototypes, and the number of development sites that are working on MBD is rapidly increasing.
However, there are some "barriers" in the actual development process.
For example
While various simulation technologies and tools are evolving day by day, it is difficult to find the optimum hardware and software environment for one's own work
Although a simulation environment has been designed, it is not possible to confirm that it works as expected without actually trying it out
We want to build a simulation environment that is both accurate and fast, but we don't know how to do it
We have installed a new HILS, but we are getting system errors and don't know where to look for the cause
We have been conducting evaluations using actual equipment, but when we start working on MBD with a higher-level policy, we cannot move forward without knowing the skills and concepts required for MBD
If you are a company or person in charge of a company with such problems or issues, please use this service "Physical Model Hub" and consult with TTDC at the same time.
Physical Model Hub is a unique service that provides physical models developed by Toyota Technical Development Corporation (TTDC) on Model based development. The models are provided in units or systems.
The lineup of physical models will be updated continuously to catch up with the evolving demands of the industry.
Contact us
TTDC's "Digital Development Center" provides support in resolving various "digital development environment" issues. Please click below to download and view the PDF introduction to the Digital Development Center if you register as a free member.
Reference materials
TTDC Digital Development Center Introduction