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Category: Vehicle unit
If you would like to request any modifications/additional development to the models in this service or FPGA implementation of your own physical models, we will consider it as an individual engineering project. For details, please contact Physical Model Hub support.
This model is a brushed DC motor system, a physical model and a control model. The control model includes some calculators for a target current, a duty and a PWM signal. The physical model includes a battery, an H-bridge, and a equivalent c...

Inline four cylinder naturally aspirated cyclic engine model that combines a cylinder, intake / exhaust pipe, crank, and starter.

A four speed AT model that combines a torque converter, disc friction clutch, one-way clutch, Ravigneaux planetary gear.

Inline three cylinder naturally aspirated cyclic engine model that combines a cylinder, intake / exhaust pipe, crank, and starter.

A six speed AT model that combines a torque converter, disc friction clutch, one-way clutch, double pinion planetary gear and single pinion planetary gear.

Simple electric motor model.

Simple three axis six degree of freedom vehicle model that combines differential gear, chassis, brakes, tires, and suspensions.

Simple electric motor model compatible with HDL Coder

This is an equivalent circuit battery model consisting of open circuit voltage, DC resistance, inductance, and two RC parallel circuits.

If you would like to request any modifications/additional development to the models in this service or FPGA implementation of your own physical models, we will consider it as an individual engineering project. For details, please contact Physical Model Hub support.